Kemê (she/her) is a neurodivergent multidisciplinary arts and culture worker and caregiver based in Helsinki. Her interest in psychology, sustainability, and good practices within the Culture and the Arts field is summed up by her multicultural background and continuous self-learning. She has worked in different capacities in Finland and the Nordic Countries since 2016, as ex. Facilitator, advisor, artistic content producer or critical friend. Striving to contribute to the community through antiracist and intersectional feminist practices.
She is the co-curator of the festival "#StopHatredNow by UrbanApa” and one founding member of the group @adresinartscircle.
Kemê’s areas of expertise and interests are working/coexisting with our differences, rehearsing awareness, creating and maintaining spaces for exchange and dialogue, self-reflexivity, self-care and care for others, empowering collaborations, accountability, non-oppressive, inclusive structures and processes, transparent use of power, fostering the means to try, fail, learn, cheering vulnerability and dismantling bias.
Kemê is also a certified diversity agent by Culture for All, a certified Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development Dialogue Cards workshop facilitator.
Kemê has work with several organisations such as Globe Art Point ry, The Artists' Association of Finland, Cupore, Catalysti ry, Cultural Center Caisa, Helsinki City, Espoo Museum of Modern Art-Emma, Suomen Tarinat museums partners, The Nordic Library Network, Hanaholmen Culture Center, Helsinki Art Museum-HAM, Pixelache festival, NODE centre, Linde Suomi, Creative Europe, SPOR festival, University of Oulu, BioartsSociety, Vanta city, Arts promotion center TAIKE, Ministry of Education and Culture Finland, The Nordic Arts Councils.
She also was the co-vice-chair of Critical Friends' Group ("An inclusive cultural sector in the Nordics" project led by Arts Council Norway), have been teaching for at NODE centre and has participated as a speaker at several festivals and conferences, such as "The 20th Nordic Migration Research Conference and the 17th Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU)".
Kemê (she/her) is a neurodivergent multidisciplinary arts and culture worker and caregiver based in Helsinki. Her interest in psychology, sustainability, and good practices within the Culture and the Arts field is summed up by her multicultural background and continuous self-learning. She has worked in different capacities in Finland and the Nordic Countries since 2016, as ex. Facilitator, advisor, artistic content producer or critical friend. Striving to contribute to the community through antiracist and intersectional feminist practices.
She is the co-curator of the festival "#StopHatredNow by UrbanApa” and one founding member of the group @adresinartscircle.
Kemê’s areas of expertise and interests are working/coexisting with our differences, rehearsing awareness, creating and maintaining spaces for exchange and dialogue, self-reflexivity, self-care and care for others, empowering collaborations, accountability, non-oppressive, inclusive structures and processes, transparent use of power, fostering the means to try, fail, learn, cheering vulnerability and dismantling bias.
Kemê is also a certified diversity agent by Culture for All, a certified Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development Dialogue Cards workshop facilitator.
Kemê has work with several organisations such as Globe Art Point ry, The Artists' Association of Finland, Cupore, Catalysti ry, Cultural Center Caisa, Helsinki City, Espoo Museum of Modern Art-Emma, Suomen Tarinat museums partners, The Nordic Library Network, Hanaholmen Culture Center, Helsinki Art Museum-HAM, Pixelache festival, NODE centre, Linde Suomi, Creative Europe, SPOR festival, University of Oulu, BioartsSociety, Vanta city, Arts promotion center TAIKE, Ministry of Education and Culture Finland, The Nordic Arts Councils.
She also was the co-vice-chair of Critical Friends' Group ("An inclusive cultural sector in the Nordics" project led by Arts Council Norway), have been teaching for at NODE centre and has participated as a speaker at several festivals and conferences, such as "The 20th Nordic Migration Research Conference and the 17th Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU)".
Actualise Utopia: From dreams to reality. An anthology about racial barriers in the structure of the Nordic arts field, by editor Ninos Josef and project Kemê Pellicer. Published by Arts Council Norway, 2019. Download

- 2022, “On Critical Feedback - Deal with it”. Article comissioned for the Culture for All Service’ blog. Read Part I & Part II
- 2021, An introduction to trigger and content warnings (guide written for the Diversity Agents 2.0. course ). Download
- 2020, Poem & Welcome words for #StopHatredNow 2020 – New Standards Read
- 2020, Speech at the concluding seminar of AVAUS (Opening) organised by Globe Art Point. Read
- 2019, Conversation on the making of the anthology Actualise Utopia Watch
- 2019, Critical Friends: Recommendations Download
- 2019, In Search of True Inclusion and Practice,Collaboration, Nordic Forum for Interculture (NFI). Download
- 2019, “A letter” text for #StopHatredNow festival Read
- 2019, Closing words at the “Opening the nordic art sector” seminar Read
As the list of links and resources I had here was getting extremely long and difficult to navigate, I am currently transfering all inks to this Padlet board below. Please follow it to get the updates. I am doing my best to get the job done as soon as possible! <3